Champion Vera Pizza Napoletana
AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
The AVPN waits you at Alimentaria&Hostelco in Barcelona in March 2024

The AVPN waits you at Alimentaria&Hostelco in Barcelona in March 2024

For the first year, AVPN will exhibit at Alimentaria&Hostelco in Barcelona from 18 to 21 March 2024, consolidating its presence on Spanish territory.
The AVPN chooses to attend the international trade fair Alimentaria&Hostelco, a reference point for the food, gastronomy and hospitality sector.

A Verace delegation will be present in Spain which, in addition to representatives of the Naples headquarters, will include the participation of Antonia Ricciardi - AVPN Brand Ambassador and director of the AVPN School in Granada - and Ciro and Antonio Coppola of Fratelli Coppola Milano.

Various activities are scheduled over the 4 days divided into masterclasses for sector operators with genuine instructors and national and international brand ambassadors, the first "Verace" competition in a Spanish fair and an exhibition stand to provide information on amateur and professional courses, on the affiliation process, on the supplier register and much more.

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Tuesday 12 December 2023


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AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana ORGANIZATION
Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
Via Capodimonte 19a
80131 Napoli - ITALY
C.F./P.IVA: 07801000634

Tel/Fax: +39 081 420 12 05
(Monday-Friday 10:00-13:30/15:00-18:00)

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AVPN Olimpadi - Patrocinio Regione Campania
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