Champion Vera Pizza Napoletana
AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
AVPN, the Association regulation opens to fried pizza

AVPN, the Association regulation opens to fried pizza

The appendix developed in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture of the University of Naples Federico II. Furthermore, there is no lack of attention to social issues: AVPN will cheer up the Christmas of those most in need of the Binario della Solidarietà, managed by the Diocesan Caritas of Naples, thanks to the Associazione Camminare Insieme.

The first 8 certification tables have been assigned to as many historic pizzerias. The official delivery on Monday 17 January on the occasion of the second edition of Vera Pizza Day.

For cinephiles the reference image is that of Sophia Loren who in the famous movie "L’oro di Napoli" by Vittorio De Sica, plays the pizza-maker’s wife selling fried pizzas in the Neapolitan post-war period. For the millions of street food lovers it is simply an iconic product to try at least once in their life, to taste to keep the memory. For many pizza-makers, it is definitely something more than a valid alternative to the classic pizza. For AVPN (Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana) a quid plus that could not fail to find space within the regulation. 

"For years the Association has been committed to the promotion and enhancement of the True Neapolitan Pizza - explained Antonio Pace, President of AVPN - And after so many years of success and recognition it was necessary, on our part, to proceed with the protection of another excellence of the Neapolitan food: fried pizza. We therefore wanted to add an appendix to the International Regulation of the True Neapolitan Pizza dedicated to fried pizza, described in its two variants of shape, the rounded and crescent-shaped (calzone), in its basic ingredients, in the typicality of the stretching and closing and, finally, in the technique and the characteristics of the frying ". 

For this reason, AVPN chose to make fried pizza the protagonist of the second edition of Vera Pizza Day, scheduled for Monday 17 January 2022. This will be the occasion to officially deliver the first 8 certification tables to: the fry shops that have made the history of fried pizza; to those that in recent years have pushed, with the opening of new shops, to spread this product; and to pizzerias that have reserved a role of the same level, if not even higher, to fried pizza rather than classic oven pizza. The choice of the number of certification tables assigned is not random but due to a number that is connected to fried pizza, historically sold in the bassi with the formula of “pizza oggi a otto” (today to 8), ie that you eat today and pay for in eight days. In alphabetical order the certification tables have been assigned to: Antica Friggitoria Masardona, Antica Pizza Fritta da Zia Esterina Sorbillo, Guglielmo Vuolo, Isabella De Cham Pizza Fritta, La Figlia del Presidente, Pizza Fritta Famiglia Surace da più di 100 anni, Pizzeria De’ Figliole e Starita a Materdei.

In the appendix that AVPN dedicated to fried pizza, the collaboration between the Association and the Department of Agriculture of the Federico II University of Naples was precious.

"This certification is part of a context of re-evaluation, from a scientific and nutritional point of view, of frying. - said Professor Paola Vitaglione, full professor of Physiology of the Department - Fried food is not bad for health if prepared correctly, if it is not abused and its consumption is accompanied by a healthy eating pattern and an adequate level of physical activity. Under these conditions, even twice a week you can give in to the pleasure of a good fried food! ".

So here, a few tips but to be followed carefully: immerse the food in extra virgin olive oil or seed oil (preferably sunflower oil with a high content of oleic acid or peanuts) at a temperature that never reaches the smoke point, applying frequent oil changes. These simple rules, in addition to ensuring sensory properties such as crunchiness and characteristic flavor, improve the nutritional aspects of the product because they reduce the amount of oil absorbed from the food and the formation of unwanted substances that can result from the oxidation of fats.

However, beyond the legislative and health aspects, fried pizza is also connected to social aspects that have not escaped the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana, especially in a period such as Christmas where sometimes a gesture and particular attention can really make the difference.

"We wanted to rediscover the ancient tradition of “Christmas pizzelle - concluded President Pace - which gathered families on Christmas Eve around the fireplace to prepare fried pizzas. We have chosen to broaden the concept of family, cheering up the Christmas of the people in need of the Binario della Solidarietà, managed by the Diocesan Caritas of Naples thanks to the Associazione Camminare Insieme chaired by Enrico Sparavigna. We will try to bring some joy by preparing fried pizzas just for them on December 23rd ".

Wednesday 22 December 2021


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Via Capodimonte 19a
80131 Napoli - ITALY
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