Champion Vera Pizza Napoletana
AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
A record 2022 for the AVPN website

A record 2022 for the AVPN website

2022 was an extraordinary year for all the activities carried out by the AVPN and it could not but be the same for those related to the website: 1.2 million views with an average of 1.49 minutes and 85% of them they are new visitors. An extraordinary result that rewards all the work done in recent years.

The main country that visited our site was Italy, followed by the USA, France and Germany. Rounding out the top 10 on the list are: the UK, Poland, Brazil, Canada, Spain and the unexpected Australia.

A very important fact for us is the page that has had the most traffic: that of the AVPN affiliated pizzerias in the world, exceeding 210,000 clicks and thus becoming a point of reference for consumers who want to eat an excellent real pizza. In second place we find the link of the "Neapolitan pizza recipe" page with 155,000 views, followed by "courses" with 85,600 and "official suppliers" with 41,600 clicks.

Our source of pride is the age group that has followed us the most. A range that varies between 25 and 44 years, the right age to involve new future pizza makers and/or home experts to follow the international specification with the recipe of the Vera Pizza Napoletana.

It is important to state that these data are only from the website and do not include the data from the websites of the foreign delegations which in 2022 reached 6.

It will not be easy to replicate these results in 2023 but we are sure that with constant and well-maintained work we will be able to do better. 

Wednesday 08 February 2023


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AVPN - Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana ORGANIZATION
Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana
Via Capodimonte 19a
80131 Napoli - ITALY
C.F./P.IVA: 07801000634

Tel/Fax: +39 081 420 12 05
(Monday-Friday 10:00-13:30/15:00-18:00)

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AVPN Olimpadi - Patrocinio Regione Campania
Website By: Sokan Communication
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